Dawn Stillo has been a dedicated Buddhist and yoga practitioner for 40 years and has been teaching yoga for 15 years. Dawn is a Certified Iyengar Teacher, and remains a diligent student with her teachers and the Iyengar family in India. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Dawn was selected to participate in a 2 year mindful meditation certification course, led by Jack Kornfield PhD, and Tara Brach PhD and serves as a meditation mentor under their leadership. She was a Yogaworks teacher trainer and mentor for over a decade in Los Angeles.


  • Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher

    All Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYT) undergo years of training and a globally standardized rigorous assessment exam process. Certified Iyengar yoga instructors are trained to address the individual needs of the student regardless of age, ability, or state of health. Through B.K.S. Iyengar?s innovative use of props, the yoga poses are accessible to all students wishing to learn yoga at any stage of life.

  • Certified Yoga Therapist

    IAYT-certified yoga therapists, or C-IAYTs, are highly trained professionals who meet or exceed our established international standards

    Certified-by the International Association of Yoga Therapists

  • Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification

    The certification received from MMTCP is awarded in partnership with the University of California at Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center for completion in the two-year course.